Bayhill’s athletic teams are co-ed, no-cut competitive teams that are a part of a growing Bay Area small schools league. Teams practice Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4:15. Games normally occur one day a week at 4:00PM.
Fall – Team Handball
Didn’t know handball was a competitive team sport? This fast growing sport, best described as a cross between soccer and basketball, found its way into the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. The Bay Area small schools league is one of the first high school sports leagues to feature this ground breaking sport.
Winter – Basketball
Bayhill’s basketball team has garnered several league championships! In fact, you’ll find this team practicing year round, spending most of their lunch time attempting to give the Splash Brothers (Steph Curry & Klay Thompson) a run for their money.
Spring – Volleyball
Traditional, not of the beach variety, volleyball takes place in the spring. Fast-paced and fun to watch, all players get equal time to set and spike.