Non-Public School
Bayhill High School is a private independent high school that is also certified Non-Public School (NPS) by the State of California to serve students from referring districts. The process for an NPS placement is long. Students on IEPs fall under the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA) which states that students are entitled to placement in the Least Restrict Environment (LRE) which, in most cases, is a public school. A Non-public school is considered to be one of the most restrictive environments according to IDEA because it limits access to a student’s non-disabled peers.
Unilateral Placement
Making a unilateral placement to Bayhill means parents are committing to private placement and the entirety of the tuition for the year. Space for district-referred students is limited to 70% of the student population. There is no guarantee that we will have space in our IEP, district-referred slots, should a district make a referral mid-year on a current privately placed student.
District Referral
An NPS referral can only be made by a school district. Bayhill does not get involved in negotiations between districts and parents. Once a district makes a referral, Bayhill will review the student’s file, conduct an interview, and make a determination as to whether Bayhill can implement the IEP and the student will be accepted.
Bayhill High School serves students with learning differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, other mild/moderate learning disabilities, and anxiety or depression. Bayhill is NOT a day treatment program serving emotionally disturbed students. Students with behavioral plans or students with behaviors that impede their own learning or the learning of others are NOT admitted to Bayhill.
Districts wanting to make a referral can contact Donna Austin at