Executive Function is responsible for organizing, planning, and managing time. A hallmark of many learning differences is weak executive function. Bayhill imbeds supports, accommodations, and direct instruction to address weakness in executive function.
Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
GAFE includes all of the standard apps and extensions available to educational subscribers. In addition, we use and integrated Teacher Dashboard that connects all students to their subject teachers through shared folders. This allows teachers to help students maintain organized files for quick retrieval of assignments and easy of delivery so students don’t misplace assignments or forget them at home. Further, students can connect their computer files to their phone to further embed supports for staying on top of their schedule.
Streamlined Graphic Organizers
We have only a few graphic organizers we employ. We teach students how those organizers work across a variety of subjects and assignments. Whether students are writing an essay, conducting research, or responding to a short answer question, our writing outlines and rubrics help them to organize their thoughts and ideas. Throughout their four years at Bayhill, students become so accustomed to these organizers that they begin to use them without prompting or the need for instruction.
Online Gradebooks – Jupiter Grades
Students learn to check Jupiter Grades daily to see assignments and make a plan for completing homework. If students elect an academic support class, their teacher will teach them to make lists, prioritize assignments, chunk large taks, and manage time.
Educational Therapy
For students who need more direct instruction, families can contract for Educational Therapy services to address the specific needs of their child. We believe students can develop strong executive functioning for academic and life success.