Admissions Season in Full Swing

What a busy time of year! Thanksgiving, Winter Holidays, and Admissions Deadlines! Yes, many schools have admissions application deadlines toward the end of January. What can you do to prepare?

Be sure you have attended open houses, familiarized yourself with the general learning environment of the schools you are considering, and that your child has completed a shadow visit. It is important that high school students be an integral part of choosing a school that is the best fit for their needs. Student “buy in” is a large part of success in high school

Most schools have their admissions deadlines posted on their website. Be sure to request recommendations from your child’s teachers as soon as possible, allowing ample time for all documentation to arrive on time.

If you are applying for financial aid you will want to complete your 2016 tax returns as soon as possible. Documentation for financial aid eligibility is usually due in February and March.

Choosing a private school for your child with learning differences is a very important decision. If you have any questions, contact the school’s admissions director.

At Bayhill High School we have a few upcoming admissions events

Informational Session January 24, 2017 6:45 PM

Tour & Talk

January 19, 2017 10:00 AM

February 21, 2017  @10:00am

March 16, 2017  @10:00am

Feel free to contact me if you have any question,


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